Answered on: October 23, 2019


Question about car hire insurance: I see it says included CDW, TP, Third party libility.. is there deductable to that?


An excess is what its called, you can see the amount by looking here:-


At STEP2 of our 3 step online booking process, to the right of the car photo of your choice, is a link entitled "IMPORTANT INFORMATION". Click on this link and it will open an additional smaller window, where the terms and conditions appertaining to that particular car at your chosen location are displayed.


So I see 1800Euro, which means I have to pay that much?


Yes, but it is normaly around 700 euro. Look at various suppliers.


Yes ok, found, I have a mastercard world elite card, they provide CWD/TP..


You can reduce this at the desk. If your residency is Israel then you wont be offered it online from our insurance partner AXA.


OK, so I decline the CDW/TP from you, and use the Credit card?


With that CREDIT CARD you can.


We are now in IL, but reside in California.


OK, if you are a CA resident then you will be offered online, make sure you change residency at start if search. If you are not resident in Israel then you should be offered online during the booking process our zero access option


Alternatively you can wait and decide at the desk


In the section important information you can view what the excess will be and if you choose the insurance tab it will show you what insurance she will be offered (normally).